Our goal here at CFP is to help our clients achieve their Impossible. Our focus is to make our clients lives better, whatever that means to each member. If that means running faster, biking longer, or being more flexible, then that is the goal.
Intensity is one of the corner stones of reaching your fitness goals. The only real way to track and measure our level of intensity it is with heart rate. That is why CFP has heart rate tracking for every class. Members can see their heart rate during all the met-con’s to ensure they are achieving the proper stimulus for each workout.
CFP is also a wellness center for all our clients. Our therapy room has Thera Guns, Complex muscle stim, and a Cold Plunge. That’s right, a therapy level, cold submerging tub. Cold submerging therapy is the only way to fight inflammation and help the body recover. There are so many other health benefits to using the Cold Plunge that we have members using it every day whether they work out or not.
With CFP’s programing, coaching, and supportive community, you can reach any fitness goal. All we ask is that you show up, are consistent, and ready to put in the work.
Trying to do things on your own is possible, having a coach will make it probable, and having a community of likeminded people supporting you is UNSTOPPABLE. This is CFP.

CrossFit is the Holy Grail of fitness. Nothing will push you more and be more effective at achieving your overall fitness goals then our CrossFit program.
CrossFit’s broad and inclusive definition of fitness makes our CFP Kid’s programs appropriate for everyone
If your goals are more about metabolic conditioning, burning fat, and increasing muscle tone without a lot of heavy lifting, then we have classes for you. “CFP Ground Works” classes will have no barbell work in them.
Our Trident class provides three spears of physical development and a more aerobically focused training session. Trident Training will help you improve your power, speed, and endurance.
For any athlete that would like to focus only on strength then CFP academy will put you on a personal strength program.